Automating Workflows
Reduce the chances for errors and free up your team from busy work so they can deliver on the higher value projects
Simplicity Is Key
Your businesses utilizes a diverse and unique ecosystem of software, systems, and processes to serve your customers. Wouldn’t it be great if they worked together.
The solution isn’t more complexity or fixing things that aren’t broken. Many of your processes do exactly what they need to, but aren’t connected to each other. We can integrate your systems talk to each other. Most of our clients end up having us connect their systems together to allow information to flow.
Some examples of integrations that we have built:
Automated Order Importing- this solution saved time and potential for errors by directly feeding orders into the client’s specialty manufacturing software from sales spreadsheets.
Supplier Inventory Reconciliation System- this solution replaced a manual process with automatic system that tabulated sales from multiple channels, calculated amounts due supplier, and notified parties of amounts due.
Custom Product Generator- this solution enabled a new type of made to order business by directly creating manufacturing drawings and work orders for custom work through their online store.
All of these solutions started with a conversation, let’s talk about how we can help you find efficiency with simplicity.